Latest News and Updates

Archive of all KaOS News articles published since its inception in 2013
  • Early October Status

    One thing really lacking for KaOS was addressed by Mcder3, he created a logo for this distribution ...Read article →
  • September 17 snapshot ISO

    Next in the bi-weekly ISO releases is a September 17 release. KDE 4.11.1 ended up with quite a few regressions from upstreamS ...Read article →
  • Early September Status

    You might have noticed, you were re-directed to a new domain name, maybe noticed a whole new name for the Distribution too. While this distribution is not really public and has a small user base. ...Read article →
  • ISO

    As stated in the Early August news item, next needed step was to get an installer functioning for KdeOS.The Linux Mint installer was the easiest to make work, but it integrates really badly. ...Read article →
  • Early August Status

    The goal of having about 1500 packages available in the repositories has been reached ( this does not include any language packs yet). Most packages are steadily rolling, which will be the norm for KdeOS. ...Read article →
  • Early July Status

    Trying to work out the best update model for the different repo's is starting to take shape for core and main. There will be two kernels in use, one stable, well-tested ...Read article →
  • Early June status

    With the move of KDE 4.10.4 to the stable repo's, some 200 packages moved, with those, every package in every repository is build from scratch for KdeOS. ...Read article →
  • Early May status

    Most of the infrastructure for KaOS is up. Server is setup with the repositories fully accessible. All used projects are ported to github, which is also the bugtracker for now. ...Read article →