Asking and Reporting the Smart Way
Sysinfo Tool in Octopi
KaOS provides you with an easy to use option to give very complete info about all of your system. Open Octopi and go to the Tools menu, there click on Sysinfo, or you can use your keyboard in Octopi with shortcut:
That will open a pop-up window, with information on what logs will be gathered and the path to your home directory were the octopi-sysinfo log will be created. It will take 10-20 seconds to gather all info. After checking the report you can now use a pastebin service or copy/paste it directly in the forum, a bug report, Gitter or provide it in IRC.
Info to provide for Installation Issues
If for any reason you are faced with problems in Live mode or running the installer, first follow this check-list:
How did you create the Live Media? Make sure to follow the tutorials to properly create installation media for KaOS. See USB and DVD creation guides.
Did you check the sha256sum of the downloaded ISO?
Terminal window sha256sum /path/to/the/downloaded/<kaOS>.isocompare the result with the sha256sum provided on the Download page, make sure they match
Are you using a GPT partition table on a BIOS system? If so, follow the instruction to set up properly since the installer cannot create such a setup yet. See Create GPT on BIOS
Provide the installation log:
- Live Mode:
- Installed System:
- Live Mode:
Disk layout info is often needed. Many installation related errors are due to incompatible settings, wrong partition table for chosen settings, selecting an automated partitioning option while only the manual option is viable for a certain layout. To provide that info run:
sudo blkid
sudo fdisk -l
Using a Pastebin Service to Provide Info
All examples so far create text info that often is too large to add to a forum post, not possible supply in an IRC channel or hard to read when added to an email. It is much cleaner and easier to copy the output of any command and paste it into a service like:
After pasting in your info, just hit “submit” or “paste”, it will return a URL that you can use to link to.
Creating a Pacman Log
The sysinfo tool in Octopi creates a very complete set of logs, but there are times it is easier to get individual logs or more details are needed.
Whenever there are update issues, always provide a pacman log. It often is not needed to use more of this log than one week prior to the current date of any update issue. To see the full log:
kate /var/log/pacman.log
Scroll down to the appropriate date and pastebin the relevant section.
Using Systemd for Log Creation
Systemd has a very powerful tool called “journalctl” to create all kinds of logs and system info. The tool “systemctl” is not just for starting and stopping services, it can also provide you with valuable info. A few examples:
sudo journalctl -b -p err
This will provide a log with any error message since the last system boot.
sudo journalctl > log.txt
This will provide a text file in the user’s home directory called “log.txt” with the complete log as large as your system settings have allowed for. Default settings in KaOS are 50 Mb, that usually means the full log shows info going 2-3 weeks back.
sudo journalctl -r -b
This will provide a full log in reverse order (newest entries first) since the last boot
sudo journalctl -b | grep nvidia
This will search the log since last boot for any instances of the word “nvidia”. Replace nvidia with any other application/driver/process that you want to have specific info for.
sudo systemctl status sddm
This will show the status of the sddm service, when it started, if any errors occurred while it was executing.
For a far more complete list of what all these two tools can do read: