Release Notes

KaOS - 2025.01

KaOS kicks off the new year with the availability of a new stable ISO, featuring Plasma 6.2 & KDE Applications 24.12.

Updates to the base of the system were numerous and included SQLite 3.48.0, Rsync 3.4.1, DBUS 1.16.0, LLVM/Clang 19.1.7, Poppler 25.01.0, Gstreamer 1.24.11, Fwupd 2.0.4, kernel moved to Linux 6.12.11, Systemd 253.30, ZFS 2.3.0, Tzdata 2025a, OpenSSL 3.4, FFMPEG 7.1, Protobuf 29.3 and Mesa 24.3.4.

Among the new packages included are Zen Browser, a Firefox based web-browser with many modern and innovative features, plus Harper, an open source grammar & spellchecker.

Not directly ISO related, but needing a News mention anyway, is the complete overhaul of the KaOS website. After almost nine years of using the same, Jekyll based website, it was time for an update/upgrade. A much newer and very active developed framework is now used. The new site is Astro.js based. New are a light and dark mode option, responsiveness is much improved, Lighthouse score is way better, and the documentation has its own layout. And in that light, it is also worth mentioning that KaOS has moved away from closed source GitHub for its code, all is now moved to Codeberg.

For the Plasma desktop, the latest Plasma (6.2.5), KDE Gear (24.12.1), and Frameworks (6.10.0) are included. All built on Qt 6.8.1. Among the many changes included in KDE Gear 24.12 are, Okular implemented support for more types of items in combo boxes of PDF forms, and improved the speed and correctness of printing, the main view of Dolphin was completely overhauled to make it work with screen readers, and improved the keyboard navigation. Bluetooth support for KDE Connect now works. Marble Behaim — a special version of Marble that lets you explore the oldest globe representation of the Earth known to exist — now also works.

More application are now ready to use Qt6 and Frameworks 6 including Krusader, Kstars, Kmymoney, Mixxx, Photoflare, Skrooge and Liquidshell.

Support has been added for the new filesystem bcachefs, it is still in experimental stage, but is included in the kernel build, and the needed bcachefs-tools are available in the repositories. Calamares can use bcachefs when used in manual mode, though no specific settings for this filesystem have been implemented yet.

A new Phonon sound backend is added. So far VLC was used, but there is no Qt6 porting for VLC yet. Using phonon-mpv as default now, gives a fully Qt 6 ready backend.

Four years after being end of life, GTK2 is finally removed from the KaOS repositories. The one major application left that had still required GTK2 was Ardour, but with 8.4.0, an internal YTK is used, thus GTK2 is now gone.

SDDM 0.20.0 added the option to run this display manager in Wayland mode, so KaOS is one step closer to being ready to move away from X11. The shell used to run in Wayland mode is kwin_wayland (upstream default is using Weston).

The automated partitioning option in the installer (Calamares) offers the use of all popular filesystems, so no need to use manual partitioning to be able to choose XFS, EXT4, BTRFS, or ZFS.

Big thanks goes to YourHostingSolutions for not only providing a mirror but also providing a server for KaOS. With the discontinuation of Fosshost, a new server was sorely needed.

After almost two years of testing IWD, it is now in such a good state that it has replaced Wpa_Suplicant as the default wireless daemon for KaOS. Similar, Pipewire has replaced PulseAudio as the default sound/low-level multimedia framework.

A shift has started as to how all Python packages are build. Historically, just about all were build with setuptools though a script. PEP17 is the new standard for building python packages, see At this stage, KaOS is testing this transition with different new Python build tools, such as Python-flit & Python-build, with Python-wheel currently in use to install the build packages.

For Nvidia, longterm supported versions 390xx and 470xx are include, alongside the latest released version.

KaOS’ creation Croeso (Welsh for welcome) for helping with configuring a new install is included. It will run on the newly installed system and offers to adjust some 15 commonly used settings, includes a custom Wallpaper selector, distribution info, and the option to select packages to install from six different groups. It is written in QML and fits well with the Welcome application used in the Live system. The latter includes an Installation Guide.

There is an option to verify the authenticity of downloaded KaOS ISO files through GPG signature verification, see the Download page for further details and instructions.

The artwork includes a custom icon theme for light themes. Midna creates a complete unified look from boot-up all the way through logout.

This ISO uses the CRC and finobt enabled XFS filesystem as default. CRCs enable enhanced error detection due to hardware issues, whilst the format changes also improves crash recovery algorithms and the ability of various tools to validate and repair metadata corruptions when they are found. The free inode btree does not index used inodes, allowing faster, more consistent inode allocation performance as filesystems age.

For UEFI installs, KaOS uses the simple, transparent but quite powerful systemd-boot as bootloader.

Octopi is a crucial part of full system maintenance for KaOS. It is not just a GUI frontend to pacman. Tools like making sure a mirror is synced before starting any update, looking at the pacman logs, an option to get a paste from a complete snapshot of all info of a system with the SysInfo tool are included. Also included are very simple ways to open files, like copy to clipboard the file path shown in Octopi. To make sure the system doesn’t start using too much disk space for the pacman cache, but still giving the user the option to retain some recent packages, the cache-cleaner tool is a great addition. The built-in tool to access KCP has now a much clearer place with the addition of its own “foreign” icon in the menu-bar. When viewing package info it is now possible to click the depends of such a package. New added is the option to select custom icons for the systemtray.

For UEFI installs, KaOS uses the simple, transparent but quite powerful systemd-boot as bootloader.

To learn more about the goals and ideas behind KaOS, please read the Home and FAQ pages.

To avoid any misunderstanding and confusion, KaOS is not based upon, derived of, or inspired by any one particular distribution. It is completely independent, build entirely from scratch with its own repositories. To read more about this see Based. A rolling release distribution never has a final release, every ISO is merely a snapshot of the current status of the repositories. An idea what is currently available:

The ISO ships with Frameworks 6.10.0, Plasma 6.2.5, KDE Applications 24.12.1, Linux 6.12.11, Systemd 253.30, Kmod 33, NetworkManager 1.50.2, Calligra 24.12.1, Elisa, Xorg-Server 1.21.15, Mesa 24.3.4, Glibc 2.40, GCC 14.2.0, non-free Nvidia 565 and Python3 3.11.11 to name a few.

The package manager is Pacman 6.0.2, with the simple but powerful Octopi 0.16.2 as GUI frontend. Falkon is the default, Qt based, web browser. GFXboot is included with KaOS artwork, Grub theme is Midna, Look & Feel is a KaOS exclusive version Midna.

Repositories of KaOS will stay limited in size and expect it to stay at the current maximum of about 2100-2200 packages. A gist of what is available, besides the stable kernel there is Linux-next 6.13, VLC, Vokoscreen, Blender, Kodi, Calibre, Sigil, Vulkan packages, a few games like 0ad and Knights. A limited number of the most well-known GTK applications are available, for example, Firefox 134, Chrome 134, Ardour 8.10.0, Inkscape 1.4, GIMP 2.99.18 and Thunderbird 134. Complete language packs are available for KDE, Calligra, Firefox, LibreOffice and Thunderbird. For IM, Fcitx is available as a rather complete group.

Known issues:

  • Installing on RAID is currently not possible

To create reliable installation media, please follow the instructions from the Download page. KaOS’s ISO’s do not support Unetbootin or Rufus, and DVDs need a burn speed no higher than 4x.