Early November Status

A little later News article then the usual first week of the month. It was thought best to combine, show what has been worked on, and make the announcement of a first publicly released ISO.

The regular updates to the repositories continued, these include KDE 4.11.3, Linux 3.11.7, new phonon packages, latest GIMP, Chrome among the about 900 updated. KDE 4.11.80 Beta1 is a new addition for the more adventurous who want to try the very latest.

But the last two weeks most work has been geared toward getting KaOS-2013.11 ISO as much ready as possible for a public release.

Big thanks flies out to yoyo for his tireless blogging about KaOS, recruiting many testers, helping anyone with questions about KaOS and explaining to them the pros and cons of this distribution.
The help of the translators dagodex, holmes, zvacet, masseus and spanishbizarro is really appreciated, thanks to them the Installer is available in quite a few languages now.

Mcder3 got the plasma theme ready for the latest changes (plasma-nm replaced the networkmanager applet).

It is now possible to have an installation guide helping you while doing the installation:

For any additional info about this release, check the.